Sandesh Chaudhary Sandesh Chaudhary Author
Title: How to Get Free Payoneer Mastercard (Also $25 Bonus) Sign Up Now!!!
Author: Sandesh Chaudhary
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 I will provide Your  Master Card with in 15 Days!!!

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Its possible to get free Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard which is able to verify online payment gateway (Paypal, Payza, Skrill) and withdraw funds to any ATM that supports Mastercard via loading funds ( from Paypal,Payza or Skrill) in your Payoneer Mastercard. Before getting started, you must have a government issued card to apply for a Payoneer Mastercard. Then it will be delivered to your preferred PO box or home address and here I’ve mentioned how I got free Mastercard in my conuntry i.e Nepal.

Click Here for Sign UP 

What is Payoneer Mastercard ?

Payoneer is a global payment system which delivers international money transfer service among various payment gateways like Skrill, Payza, and allows you to receive funds from different companies (including freelance, elance, etc) and withdraw the funds to your local ATMs in local currency anywhere from the globe.

Click Here for Sign UP 

How to get free Payoneer Mastercard in Any Country ???

1. First of all you need to visit the link given in the image below for Sign Up to apply for free Payoneer Mastercard.

Click Here for Sign UP 

Click Here for Sign UP 

2. After clicking in Sign Up and Earn $25 link given in above image, you will directed new page where you need to fill up your personal details. Please insert correct shipping address because you may not get your Mastercard in Nepal.
Most of the people don’t get their Mastercard because they put wrong shipping address
Correct Shipping Address Format,
For Home,
Address line 1 : ex- Ghorahi-11, Dang Nepal
Address line 2 : Ward no : 22, House no : 222     Put the Valid Stree Address
Postal Code : 22415 for Ghorahi Dang
Phone Number: 98000000000   don't forget to put Your Phone Number
For PO Box,
Shipping Address : Ghorahi-11, Dang Nepal

Click Here for Sign UP 

Click Here for Sign UP 

Click Here for Sign UP 

3. After completing filling forms you will be redirected to confirmation page.

Click Here for Sign UP 

4. After few days (within 2 to 3 business days), you will get message from Payoneer Account Department saying they have received your request and you also get the request to send your Document (passport, national id card or driving license)

Click Here for Sign UP 

Now click on Submit button for uploading your documents required for payoneer to get verified.

Click Here for Sign UP 

So upload your document type and your document and then click on Upload. Wait for few seconds and your documents will be uploaded. Things to know before u submit.
  • Upload your own document matching the details which you have filled during registration process
  • Besure that scan copy of your docs is visible colored scanned copy.
5. After you have uploaded your document successfully, within a week your account will be approved and you’ll get the mail from Payoneer Account Approval Department with the message, ” You have successfully got your Payoneer MasterCard Approved and a Free US Bank Account”.

Click Here for Sign UP 

It will take few days to arrive your Payoneer MasterCard, but you have already got your Free US Bank Account service from Payoneer. So click on the Account Login from the email link.
6. You will get a login page where you have to fill up your login details. After login click on “Receive Money” Tab from the menu, You can get details about Payoneer US Bank account as shown below :

Click Here for Sign UP 

7. You can use your US Bank account details for different purpose before your mastercard arrives, that are given below. After some days you will receive your Payoneer MasterCard so login to your account and click on the activate card.
Now you should enter PIN code from your shipped Mastercard. And you successfully got free Mastercard where pin code is used for withdrawing funds from ATM at your location.

Finally, once you have entered PIN Codes you will be redirected to the Confirmation Page that you have activated MasterCard Successfully.

Here are common questions I want to clear about payoneer card.

1. Can I use payoneer right after I receive it for transferring funds?
No, You can't. After you get payoneer you have to activate card on website. You will be asked to enter pin code for ATM. YOU ALSO HAVE TO GET YOUR FIRST PAYMENT FROM US COMPANIES LIKE ELANCE, FREELANCER, FIVER and then you can transfer funds from and to your card.

2. After I get card can I transfer funds from other payoneer cardholders to my card ?
No, You can't. After you get the card first you have to get paid from US companies like freelancer, elance, fiver and other payoneer partners. After you have sufficient balance to pay activation fees you can transfer funds from other payoneer card holders.

3. Can I use payoneer card to activate my paypal account?
Yes, only after once you receive first payment from US companies on payoneer card.

4. Can I use card to ATM of Nepal?
Yes, only if card is activated and you have funds.

5. On which ATM can I use payoneer card and which is best one?
You can use any ATM that has logo of mastercard. Himalayan Bank is Best for withdrawing because it allows to withdraw NRS 40,000 at once for charge NRS 400. If you use other banks, you may have to withdraw twice for same NRS 40,000.

Click Here for Sign UP 

First I verified my bank account with payoneer and decided to receive payments through global bank transfer, as soon as I got my bank account verified, I found that their fees were surprisingly higher than moneybookers. Where moneybookers charged no more than 2.5USD per withdrawal, they used to charge 15USD per withdrawal. So I had to choose option for payoneer mastercard.
Here is screenshot of charges of payoneer for bank transfer as of today's date.

Click Here for Sign UP 

I signed up for mastercard with normal link, later I found that there was referral link, and if you signup through referral link, both referrer and person who signups through that link will get 25$ as bonus.
So here is my referral link if you want to signup for mastercard.
Here are common questions I want to clear about payoneer card.

1. Can I use payoneer right after I receive it for transferring funds?
No, You can't. After you get payoneer you have to activate card on website. You will be asked to enter pin code for ATM. YOU ALSO HAVE TO GET YOUR FIRST PAYMENT FROM US COMPANIES LIKE ELANCE, FREELANCER, FIVER and then you can transfer funds from and to your card.

2. After I get card can I transfer funds from other payoneer cardholders to my card ?
No, You can't. After you get the card first you have to get paid from US companies like freelancer, elance, fiver and other payoneer partners. After you have sufficient balance to pay activation fees you can transfer funds from other payoneer card holders.

3. Can I use payoneer card to activate my paypal account?
Yes, only after once you receive first payment from US companies on payoneer card.

4. Can I use card to ATM of Nepal?
Yes, only if card is activated and you have funds.

5. On which ATM can I use payoneer card and which is best one?
You can use any ATM that has logo of mastercard. Himalayan Bank is Best for withdrawing because it allows to withdraw NRS 40,000 at once for charge NRS 400. If you use other banks, you may have to withdraw twice for same NRS 40,000.

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